Corporate Social Responsibility
Bombay Golden Logistics has always adhered to the policies laid by the government. Our business is spotlessly ethical and law-abiding in nature. We are a transparent organization and have always ensured that our sense of duty to the government remains unwavering.
- Income tax, excises and other duties are paid diligently and on time.
- Our business practices are transparent and completely ethical. Our partners have always regarded us for the same.
- Not only are we lawful, but we are also ethical, following only those practices that are completely right and not in the grey.
- Our fair practices also ensure that the workforce is equally distributed in terms of gender and we are also proud to be headed in some departments, by distinguished women.
Our drivers are highly valuable to us. They are our partners and we see them as a part of our growth. Hence, we have ensured their welfare by organizing several programs for their development. They frequently undergo training workshops to keep up with driving trends. Besides this, we also conduct health and safety awareness workshops for their betterment.
We do not stop at only conducting workshops. All our major shipment locations have facilities for hygiene and rest, so that our drivers may refresh themselves during work. Their safety is of utmost importance to us. We make sure that they adhere to road rules and also have strict policies in places, which ensure their safety in all situations.
We also have several policies for workers’ welfare and their health and livelihood. This high involvement from our side has developed a sense of loyalty and belonging in our drivers, thus increasing their productivity.
We also have the highest regards for ethical environmental practices and follow only those business methods, which allow us to include environmental safety policies. Right from fuel efficiency and ensuring smoke-free vehicles, to other peripheral operations, we ensure the maintainance of cleanliness and non-polluting technologies.
- We ensure optimal fuel sage and efficient, unadulterated fuels for our vehicles. This is done through partnerships with petrol stations that are distributed geographically at equal distances, which makes sure that the fuel is provided timely and it is also of good quality.
- Our vehicles are also periodically checked for repairs, so that these systems do not become polluting motors.
- The vehicles are replaced on regular intervals, in order to maintain quality. The loading on our vehicles is also done only to their optimal capacity, beyond which system failure may take place.
- All our vehicles are tested to be compliant to the safety regulations before being used.

Considering how our industry is known to be a major reason for pollution, global warming and greenhouse emissions, our practices ensure that we do not contribute to the myriad issues.
Besides the transportation sections of our business, we also have energy-efficient systems for our offices. Several of our shipment hubs are solar powered, so as to be more energy efficient.
Our offices are looking at becoming fully digitized in the near future, thereby bringing down paper waste. Most of our office stationery is also recycled. In a competitive environment, we have stuck by high moral standards and have done well by the community and society, which has supported us.
Hygiene and safety are indispensable in life. We believe in and have largely contributed towards improving health and sanitation projects.
Besides hygiene, we also contribute largely to medical foundations, which are the hopes of our society.
Some major projects that we have contributed to, are related to the basic needs of survival.
- SHELTER: It is an important part for human survival. This is why we have been part of several projects, by organizations who look to provide living spaces for the downtrodden.
- LIFE BEYOND HUMAN BEINGS: Bombay Golden Logistics has been a part of many projects, which work towards the welfare of our fellow living organisms. The contributions have greatly helped several shelters and funds, working for animal safety.